9:30am Worship Service (Fellowship Hour after the service)
View the calendar.
Upcoming Events
February 9 Game Day (after worship), QPR Training (11:00AM)
February 11 Ladies Luncheon (11:15AM)
February 16 Parent Support Group (10:45AM)
February 20 Book Club (1:00PM)
February 25 Ladies Luncheon (11:15AM), All Ministry Meeting (6:00PM)
February 28 Sewing Afternoon (1:00PM – 3:00PM)
Weekly Meetings
Mondays Oconomowoc Community Choir – Weekly Rehearsals (6:45 – 8:45PM)
Tuesdays A.A. Meetings (10:00-11:30AM)
Wednesdays Wednesday Morning Men’s Breakfast (8:30-9:30AM @ Cafe LaBelle)
Women’s Bible Study (1:15-2:00PM; Music Room) Meets Labor Day – Memorial Day
A.A. Meetings (7:00-9:00PM)
HandBells Rehearsal (6:00-7:30PM)
Chancel Choir Rehearsal (7:30 – 9:00PM)
Thursdays Book Club (3rd 1:00-2:00PM monthly)
Sunday Worship Sign-Up Genius (Click here)
Sunday Fellowship, Greeter, Welcome Desk Sign-Up Genius (Click here)
Thank you for your time and willingness to join our worship service team!
Your participation will allow for a smooth operation during our worship services.