9:30am Worship Service (Fellowship Hour after the service)
Upcoming Events
March 17 Meeting the In Between (6:30PM)
March 19 Worship Wednesday at First Congregational with Dr. Martin Luther Church (12:00PM), Faith & Conversations(1:15PM), Joint Worship at Dr. Martin Luther Church (5:00PM)
March 20 Book Club (1:00PM)
March 23 Coffee & Conversations (8:45AM)
March 24 Meeting the In Between (6:30PM)
March 25 Ladies Luncheon (11:00AM)
March 26 Worship Wednesday at First Congregational with Dr. Martin Luther Church (12:00PM), Faith & Conversations(1:15PM), Joint Worship at Dr. Martin Luther Church (5:00PM)
March 30 Coffee & Conversations (8:45AM)
March 31 Meeting the In Between (6:30PM)
April 2 Worship Wednesday at First Congregational with Dr. Martin Luther
Church (12:00PM), Faith and Conversations (1:15 PM), Joint Worship at
Dr. Martin Luther Church (5:00PM)
April 6 Coffee & Conversations (8:45AM)
April 7 Meeting the In Between (6:30PM)
April 8 Ladies Luncheon (11:15AM)
April 9 Worship Wednesday at First Congregational with Dr. Martin Luther
Church (12:00PM), Faith and Conversations (1:15 PM), Joint Worship at
Dr. Martin Luther Church (5:00PM)
April 12 Rummage Sale (8AM—2PM)
Weekly Meetings
Mondays Oconomowoc Community Choir – Weekly Rehearsals (6:45 – 8:45PM)
Tuesdays A.A. Meetings (10:00-11:30AM)
Wednesdays Wednesday Morning Men’s Breakfast (8:30-9:30AM @ Cafe LaBelle)
Women’s Bible Study (1:15-2:00PM; Music Room) Meets Labor Day – Memorial Day
A.A. Meetings (7:00-9:00PM)
HandBells Rehearsal (6:00-7:30PM)
Chancel Choir Rehearsal (7:30 – 9:00PM)
Thursdays Book Club (3rd 1:00-2:00PM monthly)
Sunday Worship Sign-Up Genius (Click here)
Sunday Fellowship, Greeter, Welcome Desk Sign-Up Genius (Click here)
Thank you for your time and willingness to join our worship service team!
Your participation will allow for a smooth operation during our worship services.
The following are a few changes we have put in place for our worship service. The intent of these changes is to prevent the spread of the COVID virus and create a safe environment for all to worship
→ We have blocked off an area in the sanctuary where mask wearing and social distancing is maintained.
It is provided for those who would feel more comfortable attending services with those restrictions in place.
Elsewhere in the sanctuary mask wearing and social distancing is optional.
→ Masks and hand sanitizers are available in Fellowship Hall.
→ Prepackaged communion elements will be used to prevent the spread of influenza or COVID.
→ Services are available on-line and recorded for those who wish to worship virtually.
→ The family room and nursery are closed.
We record our service for live and later viewing. Please visit the online worship link.